Monday, September 24, 2007

I'm bored

I have 4 more classes until I'm finished with my doctorate. I'm bored. I'm soooo tired of studying. It seems that all I've done in the last few years is study, study, study. Amy, Ellen, and Renee', I can really appreciate what you've done (and are still doing, in the case of Renee') to get your educations. Don't you just get zonked out at times and want to run away? I do.

I haven't been as diligent with my studies since April as I was before then. It's almost like I'm thinking, "Well I got my massage license and I have a great business here...why do I need to get the other credential since everything is moving right along?" I wonder...and yet I'm still paying tuition, I have the books, and for heavens' sake--I'm now taking my electives; supposedly the most fun and interesting part of the program. Still, I can't get motivated, and I'm bored.

I just came back from a trip--I can't go away every time I get bored. Although, my brother wants me to come for a visit in October and I will probably be taking a trip to Redding, California in early that enough time away to reawaken my interest? Maybe, maybe not. We'll see. How do I motivate myself? That's the $64,000 question, I guess.

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