Thursday, September 27, 2007

Ice cream all day!

Usually, I'd be THRILLED to eat ice cream all day, but that's not the case today. You see, my dentist "did a number" on me yesterday when he prepared my implant to receive the crown in 2 weeks. There's a sharp edge he failed to file down on the post that receives the crown. Since the novicaine didn't wear off until after his office closed, I didn't discover that my tongue had been worn raw. So I'm keeping a bit of wax over that area in the back of my mouth while I'm not eating, but I have to take it out to eat. Ever tried to eat with wax in your mouth?

That's why the ice cream and other cold, soft things today. Ice cream feels the best. My dentist doesn't work today, or I would have been standing at his door at 8:30 this morning when he opened up. But he'll be there I had last evening and all day today to protect my tongue. I wonder if I will gain weight by just eating ice cream for one day? I guess we'll find out.


Amy said...

just go to Coldstone! that's what i'd do!

Janet Ollman (Dr. JO) said...

I was portraying myself AT Coldstone! But, unfortunately, I've been working at the store so Coldstone will have to wait until later this evening.

Ellen said...

honestly, if you just HAVE to eat ice cream, better just enjoy it! revel in the ice-creamyness!!!

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.