Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Lost is Found

I know this is two posts in one day, but I'm just so excited. I reported some time ago that I finally found that slide of Amy, Renee', and me outside the Provo house in 1976. I just got it back from developing into a print. I will scan it into the computer and post it soon. What did surprise me, though, was that I remembered the order of the people in the picture. I always thought Renee' was on my left and Amy on the right. Well, it was reversed, which makes the picture we took recently as a "recreation" wrong, but what can you do? It's still wonderful to have a "before" and "after"! I'll tell you what, though...I looked a whole lot better 30 years ago!

1 comment:

Amy said...

you should post the pic!