Thursday, September 20, 2007

All the Hubbub

I knew life would be this way coming back from vacation--clients to see, people to schedule or reschedule, my birthday (yay!), physical therapy appointments, blah, blah, blah. You know it will be this way, but you don't really KNOW, know what I mean? So, here I am in the "thick" of things again. It's a bit like having your baby buggy upended. One minute you're riding along safe and secure, and the next minute you're scrabbling around on the ground, trying to dodge the buggy's wheels! That's what it feels like to get back out on Bangerter Highway! (Traffic--that's a subject for an entirely different blog, believe me!)

So, the days are speeding by, needless to say. Mom and I were at Mt. Rushmore a week ago today. Has it already been a week? Pretty soon I'll turn around and say, "Mom and I were at Mt. Rushmore this week last year!"

I'm trying to get better about living IN THE MOMENT. Parts of me want to "live ahead", but life isn't really very successfully lived that way. Still, I need to be STILL to live in the moment, and that's a hard thing for me to do. "Be still, and know that I am God" looks wonderful on the plaque hanging on my wall, but the reason I hung it in the first place was so that I could read it every single day to remind myself to slow down--He's in charge!

Well, going on vacation is wonderful, but coming home is wonderful, too. There's a measure of security in knowing that you have your own EVERYTHING close by. You have a bathroom that you can trust to be there--or to be clean. You have YOUR food in the refrigerator when you want it. You have YOUR BED (that's one of the best things!) I guess I must be getting old. Those things are really important to me these days! I'm not quite as portable as I used to be.

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