Friday, September 7, 2007

Adding Insult to Injury

So, my wrists are getting better--so much so that I will probably be able to give two massages tonight after not having done any for 2 weeks. I've been having my physical therapy for the knee problem, and that's doing nicely, thank you. Then all of a sudden yesterday afternoon my knee buckles and down I go, right onto the floor! What's with this--huge pain!!! But it's in the back of my knee, not in the front, where it has been. It feels like a pulled muscle, and, indeed, one of the heads of the gastroc feels enormous (the tendon, really.) Anyway, I'm limping along, barely ambulating all night, slept with a heating pad, and this morning, still stiff, but not QUITE as bad, sending me into spasms with each step. So, I ask you, where is the justice? Am I doomed to a life of fighting small fires all over my body? Why don't I just get ONE BIG FIRE, do the battle once, and be done with it? What's with this piecemeal approach? I can't, for the life of me, figure out why I can't keep my act together!! Well, my client doesn't yet know it, but I'm going to enlist his help to get my table set up when he arrives, I'll be able to give him a massage, but it's going to be interesting. After 2 weeks away, I'm rarin' to go, and I don't want anything to get in the way of this. Stupid? Probably. Will I pay for it? Probably. Oh well. I promise I won't complain about the repercussions in my blog--well maybe not a LOT, anyway. You would think that, knowing where I will most likely end up, that I would be smarter and not get myself into this situation, but I must also have some gambler blood in me (actually, I KNOW I do--more on that later) because I'm willing to gamble that I come out OK. Probably won't--I think the deck may be stacked against me, but as I say, it's gambler blood. My dad won the car he and my mother took their honeymoon in with a lucky hand at poker. That's my gamblin' dad! I come by it honestly.

1 comment:

Ellen said...

I'm not sure if I'd rather have one HUGE bout of, say, cancer, and then be healthy the rest of my life, or if I'd rather never have a life-threatening disease, but have small aches and pains forever. What do you think?