Sunday, July 22, 2007


You know, there's hardly a better thing about summer than apricots right off the tree! Amy has the most gorgeous tree I've ever seen, and it's loaded this year. It had a fair number last year, but it really outdid itself this year, I'll tell you! The only problem with the tree is that it was planted on a slope in the yard. So hard to get a ladder underneath. And all those beautiful 'cots just waaaasssssttttting away in the upper reaches of its branches. Food for the birds, but I think it's even a bit too much for them! How I would love to pick buckets and buckets...but then I remember what happened to me a few years ago when I got up into an apricot tree and I'm not too keen to get up on the ladder, especially on a slope. What to do, what to do? The trunk is too big to shake. I guess I could try throwing volleyballs up into the tree to knock some of them down--or send Porter up to climb the branches! I'm in a quandry because there they are, 50 feet up in the air, and here I am, feet firmly planted on the Utah sod, and unwilling to leave said sod. It's a real dilemma. Do I let my hunger for apricots (especially in the winter) go unquenched by not picking, or do I overcome my natural hesitation and venture into the tree (somehow!) to pick the bounty during its short stay this summer? I haven't figured out yet what I'll do. Maybe I can get Amy to get an adjustable ladder, which might make picking safer...then we could BOTH get what we desire!

I can't believe how my bodywork business has mushroomed lately! I've only been nationally certified and licensed since April 23rd, and already I'm doing far better--with regular clients--than I ever dreamed possible. This month, July, I'm making almost $900 in a part-time bodywork business, not even leaving my home! How cool is that, folks? And that's doing something I'm GOOD at and that I LOVE to do! I really cotton to the idea that people would pay me for doing something that I'd do (probably) for free--well, at least I'd do it for SOME PEOPLE for free...not for everybody. But honestly, they pay me for doing what I love to do. Now, that's the way life is supposed to be lived, don't you agree?

I have the chance to become affiliated with an herb shop only a few miles from my home in West Jordan. I met the owner at our store the other day, and he's looking for a massage therapist to inhabit the lovely room he has in his store, which is currently in need of a therapist. His terms seem reasonable, and I'd make a lot of money working there, as the store books all the appointments. I'm considering it seriously; more so even than teaching, which wouldn't pay nearly as well. I'm trying to get myself into a position to be self sufficient. I see that working at that herb store would be a step in the right direction; good pay for part-time hours. So, that's one thing on my agenda to finalize this week, hopefully. I think the school is going to go by the wayside--or at least teaching all the curriculum. I might decide to teach one or two subjects, but I've pretty-much made up my mind to let the opportunity pass to become the complete day teacher-guru. Much as I love teaching, I have to think about how to support myself and begin to make that happen, now that I have my license and all the tools I need!!! How exciting!

I finally decided to get some physical therapy for my left knee that has been weak since orthoscopic surgery in March of '06. The muscles are weak; the knee joint is fine. So I've got myself a really great PT and he is supervising my exercise program. I hope to make this knee "danceable" by February because I intend to stay at the 2008 stake Valentine's Day dance until closing time--dancing all the way, this year instead of having to limp out early, as I did earlier this year. Wish me luck! Now I've got to get off this computer and get to the exercises!


Amy said...

i was here

Amy said...

p.s. i'll buy that ladder if you chip in. those things are PRICEY!

Rachel said...

Hello Amy's mom. I'm Rachel, Amy's old running partner who has moved away to Tucson. I clicked on your link from Amy's site ( I hope you don't mind). I loved what you said about growing older. Perhaps in our 30's we are still living life one day at a time, however, we still have one eye looking at the past and one eye looking to tomorrow. It's true that we should focus on TODAY and live each day to the fullest.
Thank you for raising such a wonderful daughter, I'm blessed to call her friend.

Ellen said...

i wuz heer to