Saturday, May 12, 2007

What a wonderful weekend!!!

High speed internet, unlimited long distance, on-demand TV (I especially love the movies) and TIME to do it all!!! Friday our Comcast bundled services began working correctly since installation Wednesday. I called everybody long distance, didn't look at the clock--and then I spent hours and hours online doing things I'd never have been able to do in the relatively short amount of time it took with this new, faster service. Part of that was setting up my new email account and re-entering all my address book. Someone out there may say, "but you could import from your old email"--I don't think that's possible with Juno. Besides, it gave me a chance to clean out people I no longer care to communicate with. All those old "boyfriends" (ha!)

It was a glorious day yesterday, wasn't it? The weather was gorgeous. Another thing that made the day great was a new massage client--a referral from another regular client, and this one is going to be a regular too. So now I have money to take my mother to lunch today to celebrate Mother's Day -- one day early. We're going to the Hale Theater (one of my MOST FAVORITE things to do in the world--Mom's too) and then out to lunch. What could be better? Dinner and a show! Don't you just LOVE to have people cook for you?

Well, it's time to start this wonderful day in earnest. Unlike you, Amy, I have never been able to get up at 5 a.m. to exercise, wanting to or otherwise. Eight-thirty a.m. suits me just fine! I'm going to put in a little rebounder time, wash my hair, off to the play, to dinner, and then maybe an "on-demand" movie later on. I can't see how the day could be more perfect, could you?

Tomorrow Renee' comes over with her kids to celebrate Mother's Day. I'm grateful to have such wonderful girls. Happy Mother's Day to all of you, too!

1 comment:

Amy said...

I still don't know how to change font colors on my blog. What I nerd I am.