Monday, February 26, 2007

Three things...

I'm excited over three recent developments in my life.
#1--I got rid of a guy who was not doing his share in the relationship. I packed him up and shipped him off--even though I really liked him. Amy said that was "independent." I like that.
#2--I heard from a friend of mine in Michigan who just took the test I'm going to take on April 23rd. With minimal study she passed with flying colors. She also has a language barrier (English being her second language) and she's been out of school nearly as long as I have. So, I have hope! She wrote to me all about the test and told me to RELAX. I need to keep the muscles fresh in my mind, but it appears that I may be overdoing the study time. It's so hard, though, to NOT study. I have the time and I also have the interest. Besides, everything that I'm learning will benefit me from here on in. But she did it, with much less time to study than I did...and I can too!!! (Or I can move to Idaho where they don't require NCBTMB certification--just kidding.)
And #3--My income taxes are paid and I have money left over again this year. The "bubble" over me seems to be as strong as ever, and I hope it doesn't burst ever, but if it has to, please, Lord, make it AFTER I pass the NCBTMB exam in April!!!
Amy, I'm glad that you liked my list of favorites. There are, of course, many more, but did you notice how many of them are FOOD???

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