Wednesday, September 5, 2007


I figured out how to post the Meez, but it's much too large, and I'm trying now to figure out how to shrink it and then add text. Any suggestions, anyone out there? By the way, I'm glad you girls let me know that you check on me and my blog! I'll try to be more diligent. I'm CERTAINLY enjoying yours!!!


Amy said...

cute meez. just add it to your HTML template as one of the side thingies - you know, instead of choosing a box where you can add text, put one where you can put HTML text in there and then when you save your meez on their site, it will automatically upate on your site. i'll talk you through it on the phone if you don't get it. i love my meez.

Ellen said...

love the meez! looks just like yooz! so much fun, huh? i'll never forget the hours we spent in front of the computer making fun people that looked like us, and then having tony sit down and say, "hmmm, this isn't all that fun, you know?" well, what does HE know anyway? :)